Heavily influenced by Nicki Minaj, the Christian religion, and high fashion, Fat Sahn TKA SNAKX is a one of one music artist, entrepreneur, and creative from 8th Street, North Beach, Calvert County, Maryland, which cultivated and shaped him into an overall budding force. Isaiah Carter (Due Numbers) and Sabrina Stinnett (Pisces Vibrations from his come of North Beach are two other influences he credits to his growth.) The optimistic, humorous, and blunt creative has recently accomplished many great things in life, including a feature in 4Sho Magazine, What NewYorkWears, FashionBombDaily’s fashion show, and ‘HighSnobiety.
In his own words about his accomplishments and upcoming plans, “I launched my clothing brand SNAKX Online (www.snakx.online) June 4, 2021. In July of the same year, SNAKX Radio was launched to give a voice to the clothing line & spread unity by showcasing talent from all over the DMV with live interviews on Stationhead and filmed interviews on YouTube. In August 2021, Due Numbers (clothing brand) became available on snakx.online as a subsidy of SNAKX, making it the official home of Choice Music Group merchandising I.n October 2022, SNAKX put out its very first record with artist ‘Crae’ - Vacant House. The single was released from Germany. The follow-up single ‘Backseat Freestyle’ - Tr3 Taylor was released in May 2023. SNAKX Radio is beginning to produce a mixtape with new music set to drop soon.”
He has an expansive and dope team composed of Mind of MarQ Productions - Will Norris (videographer), Isaiah Carter - business partner/A&R of Choice Music Group, Tr3 Taylor - Owner of CMG, Crae - artist under CMG, Maz-E - artist under CMG, CMG artist GL Smoove, and Naalia Cooke is a brand ambassador of SNAKX Online. With a great team and abundance of blessings coming his way, Fat Sahn is set to do many incredible things very soon. Keep him on your radar.