the most important items that make it is best software in this generation are the latest components. you can get the new version of this chicago1930crack from the link below. we have just sent you the new version of chicago universal crack with the latest version of the components.
the chicago1930en language patch is for those who like playing the game in english. this can be done by one of two ways. if you want to play with english voiceovers and early american language, installing the chicago-1930en language patch is an easy and effective way to do it. in the instructions below, the direction "install only in stratego.exe" means that the patch should be installed, and the credits to be displayed as soon as you start the game should be replaced with names of the original authors of the program. otherwise the same patch as in the standard chicago-1930 patch is installed.
stratego.exe -v ..\stratego.exe -d d1 -l en_us -o stratego_1930_eng_rc1_patch.exe -p installing in both stratego.exe and state.exe stratego.exe -d d1 -l en_us -o stratego_1930_eng_rc2_patch.exe -p state.\state.exe -p installing in all three exe files stratego.exe -p stratego_1930.exe -p there should now be a file, stratego_1930_eng_rc2_patch.exe that can be installed to a savegame.
warning: if you are using a savegame file created with a previously installed patch, you must not use this patch, but the one supplied with this game. you must either create a new savegame, or empty the memory and keep the memory card in it if you don't want to lose any of your previous play.