Project IGI 3 The Mark !!LINK!!
The 2011 UK Government Construction Strategy (UK Cabinet Office, 2011) challenged the construction sector to review their business models and practices to move away from adversarial relationships to collaborative ones and to identify cost reduction and innovation opportunities within the supply chain to provide better value for money. This approach encouraged all construction supply chain stakeholders to work together, where appropriate, to provide an integrated cost-efficient solution that meets the required outcome. Central to this strategy aim was that fully collaborative 3D Building Information Modelling (BIM) (with all project and asset information, documentation and data being electronic) be an industry requirement by 2016. This target provided the UK construction sector with a four-year window to prepare for the adoption of BIM technologies, processes and collaborative behaviours that aimed to modernise working practices to improve efficiencies during each phase of the project lifecycle. This was further framed by the following ambitious targets set out in the subsequent 2025 Construction Strategy document (HM Government, 2013): reduction of 33 per cent in the initial cost of construction and the whole-life cost of built assets; 50 per cent reduction in the overall time, from inception to completion for new-build and refurbished assets; reduction of 50 per cent in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions arising from built environment activities; and a 50 per cent reduction in the trade gap between total exports and total imports for construction products and materials.
Project IGI 3 The Mark
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In response, an Industry-Government BIM Task Group was set up to develop the necessary implementation guides, tools and industry standards and engage in continuous dialogue with public sector clients and supply chain stakeholders to ensure that the sector was prepared for the 2016 BIM deadline. This has led to a series of publications, which have: aligned BIM with the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Outline Plan of Work (RIBA, 2012); specified the information management requirements for the capital/delivery phase of construction projects using BIM (PAS 1192-2: 2013) (British Standards Institution (BSI), 2013); set out the standard protocol for use in projects using BIM (CIC, 2013a); provided best practice guidance for professional indemnity insurance when using BIM (CIC, 2013b); specified information management requirements for the operational phase of assets using BIM (PAS 1192-3: 2014) (BSI, 2014a); defined expectations for the exchange of information through the lifecycle of an asset using COBie (BS 1192-4:2014) (BSI, 2014b); provided recommendations for briefing during the design and construction phases to ensure that the design takes account of the expected performance of the asset over its planned operational life (BS 8536-1:2015) (BSI, 2015a); specified requirements for security-minded BIM, digital built environments and smart asset management (PAS 1192-5: 2015) (BSI/CPNI, 2015); provided guidance of the collaborative production of architectural, engineering and construction information (BSI, 2015b). In addition, the 2015 UK Government strategy, Digital Built Britain (HM Government, 2015) provided a vision of a data-enabled collaborative working environment where supply chain capabilities are maximised to reduce lifecycle costs and carbon emissions. This aims to improve asset management and form the basis of new performance contracting models utilising remote monitoring, telemetry and control systems to facilitate real-time operation integrating exciting developments in 3D printing, design for manufacture and assembly (DfMA), the Internet of Things, embedded sensors and performance data analysis.
Peachey, Anna; Gillen, Julia and Ferguson, Rebecca (2008). Fluid leadership in a multi-user virtual environment educational project with teenagers: Schome Park. In: Ecologies of Diversities: The Developmental and Historical Interarticulation of Human Mediational Forms: Meeting of the International Society for Cultural and Activity Research, 8-13 Sep 2008, San Diego, CA, USA.
EconPapers FAQ Archive maintainers FAQ Cookies at EconPapers The RePEc blog The RePEc plagiarism page International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations (IJKBO)2011 - 2023Current editor(s): John WangFrom IGI GlobalBibliographic data for series maintained by Journal Editor (Obfuscate( '', 'journaleditor' )).Access Statistics for this journal.Track citations for all items by RSS feedIs something missing from the series or not right? See the RePEc data check for the archive and series.Volume 5, issue 4, 2015 Four Express Service Cooperation Modes for B2C E-Commerce: Models and Analysis pp. 1-18 Ningning Wang, Xi Cheng and Qinglong Gou A Practitioner Based Evaluation of Project Management Knowledge and Education: The Australian Case pp. 19-36 Ziauddin A. Durrani and Bassam Baroudi Standards, Benchmarks, and Qualitative Indicators to Enhance the Institutions' Activities and Performance: Surveys and Data Analysis pp. 37-61 Zuhair A. Al-Hemyari and Abdullah M. Alsarmi How to Shape a Business Service to Its Customers' Exact Needs: A Hostel in Lisbon pp. 62-79 Hugo Miguel de Brito Silva Moreira Faísca and Leandro PereiraVolume 5, issue 3, 2015 Constructing Temporal Equivalence Partitionings for Keyword Sets pp. 1-18 Parvathi Chundi and Mahadevan Subramaniam Effect of Knowledge Sharing and Supply Chain Management on Organizational Performance pp. 19-32 Korhan Arun Challenges in Organizational Control: The Economic and Management Perspectives pp. 33-44 Yanli Zhang and Zhiyong Yao A Non-Radial Input Relaxation Model Approach for Evaluating Input Congestion in Data Envelopment Analysis pp. 45-60 M. Khodabakhshi, H. Kheirollahi, M. Rezaee and Barnett ParkerVolume 5, issue 2, 2015 Conflict of Interest: What It Is, Its Causes and Consequences pp. 1-18 Yanli Zhang, Jeffrey Hsu, Ruben Xing and Wencang Zhou HERMES: A Trajectory DB Engine for Mobility-Centric Applications pp. 19-41 Nikos Pelekis, Elias Frentzos, Nikos Giatrakos and Yannis Theodoridis Winning Large Value Deals: Who is Your Best Bet? pp. 42-57 Shrihari S. Sohani and Manjari Singh Knowledge Transfer and Team Performance in Distributed Organizations pp. 58-80 Ngoma Sylvestre Ngoma and Mary LindVolume 5, issue 1, 2015 IN&OUT Model: Knowledge Management Applied to the Succession Process in Family Business pp. 1-15 Maria Sarabia, Maria Obeso and Elaine Philpott Modeling the Knowledge Sharing Barriers: An ISM Approach pp. 16-33 B. P. Sharma and M. D. Singh E-Mentoring Through a Network of Practice on Facebook pp. 34-45 Hsun-Ming Lee and Mayur R. Mehta The English Science Cities: A New Phase in Science-based Urban Strategy pp. 46-61 David R. Charles and Felicity WrayVolume 4, issue 4, 2014 A Support for Organizational Learning Needs pp. 1-20 Adeline Leblanc and Marie-Hélène Abel Modern Leadership in Singaporean and Thai Organizational Contexts pp. 21-35 Nattavud Pimpa and Elsie Hooi Asynchronous Message-Passing and Inter-Application Communication Software for Process Improvement in Complex Systems pp. 36-50 Darko Galinec and Ljerka Luić The Effect of Total Quality Management on Innovation Performance with Mediator Role of Organizational Learning: (Case Study: ABBAND Mazandaran) pp. 51-66 Mohsen Shafiei Nikabadi, Seyed Ahmad Mohammadi Hoseini and Saeed ZangouriVolume 4, issue 3, 2014 A (New) Look at User Participation in an ERP pp. 1-7 Martin Gibbs Emphasizing User Participation in Business Processes pp. 8-21 Giorgio Bruno ESEIG Mobile: An M-Learning Approach in a Superior School pp. 22-38 Ricardo Queirós and Mário Pinto A Framework for Understanding the Complementary Roles of Information Systems and Knowledge Management Systems pp. 39-55 Sana Bent Aboulkacem Guetat and Salem Ben Dhaou Dakhli From Data to Wisdom in the Global and Civilizational Context: The Cognitive Perspective pp. 56-70 Andrew TargowskiVolume 4, issue 2, 2014 Knowledge Base Refinement Using Limited Amount of Efforts from Experts pp. 1-19 Ki Chan, Wai Lam and Tak-Lam Wong A Control-Data-Mapping Entity-Relationship Model for Internal Controls Construction in Database Design pp. 20-36 Jason Chen, Ming-Hsien Yang and Tian-Lih Koo The Olds Institute: Towards a Communication Model of the Knowledge-Based Organization pp. 37-52 Mark Wolfe Determinates of Executive Compensation: A Hierarchical Linear Modeling Approach pp. 53-63 Owen P. 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Papadopoulos and Yannis Manolopoulos Clustering with Proximity Graphs: Exact and Efficient Algorithms pp. 84-104 Michail Kazimianec and Nikolaus AugstenVolume 3, issue 3, 2013 Development Curriculum for Knowledge-Based Organizations: Lessons from a Learning Network pp. 1-18 Hanna Toiviainen and Hannele Kerosuo The Amplification-Reduction Structure of Technology: The Example of the Intranet pp. 19-34 Ali Yakhlef and Ian Hipkin Data Quality and Knowledge/Information Management in Service Operations Management: Regional Supermarket Case Study pp. 35-52 Alan D. Smith and William T. Rupp A Complex Systems Paradox of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management pp. 53-72 Soheil Ghili, Serima Nazarian, Madjid Tavana, Sepehr Keyvanshokouhi and Mohammad Taghi IsaaiVolume 3, issue 2, 2013 Attacks on Confidentiality of Communications Between Stranger Organizations pp. 1-18 Mikaël Ates and Gianluca Lax The Role of Supportive Leadership and Job Design for Proactive Behavior and Self-Organization in Work Groups pp. 19-35 Annika Lantz Implementing Business Processes: A Database Trigger Approach pp. 36-55 Wai Yin Mok, Charles F. Hickman and Christopher D. Allport A Framework for Synthesizing Arbitrary Boolean Queries Induced by Frequent Itemsets pp. 56-75 Animesh Adhikari A Knowledge Mining Approach for Effective Customer Relationship Management pp. 76-86 Fatudimu Ibukun Tolulope, Charles Uwadia and C. K. AyoVolume 3, issue 1, 2013 Data Requirements for Process Learning pp. 1-18 Johny Ghattas, Mor Peleg, Pnina Soffer and Yaron Denekamp Modeling and Automated Examination of Communication Processes in Integrated Health Information Systems: A Systematic Approach pp. 19-36 Samrend Saboor, Alexander Hörbst and Elske Ammenwerth Development of a Business Process Model for a Project-Based Service Organisation pp. 37-56 Udityasinh Gohil, Patricia Carrillo, Kirti Ruikar and Chimay Anumba Becoming a Swarm Catalyst pp. 57-70 Juhana Kokkonen, Sami Paavola and Yrjö Engeström Competitive Uses of Information and Knowledge Management Tools: Case Study of Supplier-Side Management pp. 71-87 Alan D. 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